The new survey by CMO (Chief Marketing Officer Council) announced that 66% of marketing executives are feeling heat from the CEO and board of directors to make marketing more effective. 60% said that the “heat” was increasing.
Is that good or bad? Generally speaking, we think it is good. Especially when there are techniques, technologies, and tools to do more than justify marketing – they can make the marketing department a star within any organization.
We’ve all heard the saying, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure”. It’s not the fault of the marketing department that, for years, top-of-mind advertising was the norm. Most marketing professionals would have loved to have had data to support that.
The same survey revealed that only 36% of marketing executives have the ability to show the value of their marketing. Moving forward, that number needs to dramatically rise. Not just for the sanity of the marketing folks, but for the stability of the company.
Progressive marketers need to understand that high-performance ROI based marketing is real and it is here. It’s not easy and it will take a little work, but it literally has the ability to change the way an organization looks at marketing. It also gives marketing departments an opportunity to show their value.
If you are one of the 64% of marketers that currently cannot evidence the value of what you do – there are solutions to help!
If you or your organization is feeling the need to get more out of your marketing and aggressively embrace the opportunity to drive ROI based marketing, let us know. Our OneAccord Digital team is delivering great results for our clients!
By Tom Poole, OneAccord Principal